Salt Rub/Body Polish or Body Scrub $35
A brisk massage using a sea salt or sugar scrub & oil solution or a body polish for sensitive skin to cleanse the pores, rejuvenates the skin & stimulates detoxification. *Partial sessions can be booked.
Body wraps $120
Relaxing & cleansing body wrap to stimulate detoxification, ease arthritis, lubricate joints, aid relaxation, moisturize the skin & eliminate toxins; Herbal, Black Baltic Mud, European Rose Mud, or Seaweed.
Ear Coning $50 (1 cone per ear)
Relieves ear & sinus congestion & removes wax, fungus, yeast & bacteria. Begins with a facial & neck massage to stimulate release. Additional cones $5 each
Paraffin dips helps soften dry skin making it appear younger and feel softer to the touch. It also relieves the aches & pains associated with arthritis.
Hands or Feet $20
Hands & Feet $35